
A journey map to CCA

Not satisfied with current work, Desire to travel, The need to integrate different skills and gain command over interdisciplinary practice, Need to take time and guidance to re-look at current skill sets while expanding and refining them further. Entry point into interesting international work situations. To be in the company of a group or learners. Revaluation of my philosophical - political leanings.

Introspection of personal interests, skills and goals
Major universities, their programs and resonance with these goals
Looking at course work, syllabus, faculty and alumni
Finding alumni from different colleges
Speaking to faculty and friends about goals, plans and selected colleges.

Nature of course: Multidisciplinary, balance of theory and practicals.
Level of complexity and sophistication: The college, past students and the course work has to reflect a standard of sophistication.
Nature of economy/Location: Which areas have opportunity and is buzzing with activity
Fee and scholarship : How expensive is the course and why ? Do they offer scholarships to international students and how much can it make my life easier ?

Penning down points of introspection and aligning it with the nature of courses.
Compiling and editing portfolio

Making a final list of colleges that align with all the above criteria

Qualifying examinations and certifications, TOEFL and contacting college for all transcripts and other paper work.

Customising application for each college according to deadline
Re articulation and recompiling of past work accordingly

Fingers crossed and submitting applications online

Hearing back from all colleges

Preparing for interviews.

Revaluation of goals and priorities

Asking family traveling through San Francisco to visit the college.

Discussing further details about the course, faculty and scholarships with colleges

Committing to CCA

Trying to find a place to stay

Booking Airline tickets

Visa paper work

Hunting for more local scholarships

Wrapping up all other professional work

Small Holiday

Packing and figuring things required

Boarding Flight armed with everything, with some plans and lots of nervousness.

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